Thomas Gardener, Will and Inventory 1547

Abstract of the will and inventory of Thomas Gardener of Warmington, 1547 

WILL written 24 April 1547

INVENTORY taken 22 June 1547 by Thomas Collyns, & John ?Coleman

PROBATE Lichfield


1. Burial in churchyard of St Nicholas Warmington.

2. To the high altar of St Nicholas, 4d. To the church a land of barley & a land of maskelyne.

3. To the mother church, 4d.

4. To Thomas Rows–e, a sheep

5. To Robart my son, 2 ewes at next Martlemas

6. To Rychard my son, 2 ewes

7. To Jone my daughter, 2 ewes on the same day.

8. To William my son, rest of goods, executor.


Symon Pope parson, John Coleman, Harry Man with others


In the hall

2 table bords, cubbord, 2 benches, a paynted cloth, a shelf, 3 stools,

a pair of trestles,                                                                                       £0 . 03 . 04 

In the chamber 

3 bedsteads, a matress, 2 coverlets, 2 bolsters, 15 pair of sheets,

4 tablecloths,2 towels, 2 pillowberes, 3 cots, 3 coverlets(?), 3 napkins,

2 presses, a st—–, a quoten jacket, 2 doubletts, 2 pair of hose, 2 shirts,

2 pair of shoes, a cape, a ? hatt, a purse & a girdle                                  £2 . 13 . ?

In the kitchen

2 brass pots, 3 pans, 3 skillets, a chafing dish, a dozen of pewter,

3 candlesticks, 6 cawut (quart?) dishes, 2 salts, 2 pewter pots, 2 broches,

a pair of cobbards, a frying pan, an axe, a hatchet, a bill, a mattock,

an iron saw, 3 shife (sheaf?) pikes, 2 dung pikes, 2 shovels, 3 vats,

5 —-  —–, a lead, a quern, a hair cloth, 3 pails, a dozen treen dishes,

a dozen of trenchers, 6 pewter spoons.

4 sacks, a strike, a malt sieve, 2 sieves & a riddle                                   £0 . 02 . 06

6 ducks, a drake, 15 geese, 14 hens, 2 cocks, 3 chickens                        £0 . 06 . 00 

In the stable

5 horses and mares, and 2 yearling colts with their gears                       £4 . 00 . 00

5 oxen with their yokes and tames                                                          £4 . 00 . 00

2 carts, 2 ploughs, 2 cart ropes, 3 small harrows, a dray & a muckcart  £1 . 12 . 00

11 kine, & young beasts & 3 weaning calves                                          £7 . 03 . 00

5 score and 16 sheep                                                                              £20 . 00 . 00

Corn in the field                                                                                       £7 . 00 . 00

6 store hogs & the bacon in the roof                                                        £0 . 15 . 00

Wood and timber                                                                                      £0 . 10 . 00

Sum total                                                                                                  £52 . 05 . 06