Programme 2024

Meetings take place on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm in Warmington Village Hall (unless otherwise stated). Members free, guests, £2. Membership is only £10 per year!

(Page updated 25th June 2024)




Sunday, 21st July (Please note it’s a Sunday)

 The Lighthorne walk with Colin Such. Maybe a visit to the Antelope Inn for lunch! ( Details of time and meeting place tbc)

Colin will incorporate his introduction into the talk as we walk between the buildings.



Proposed walk around Harbury (Details later).



Thursday, 19th September

Stephen Wass. The Civil War in Banbury.

Stephen may accompany this with his Hurdy Gurdy 


Thursday, 17th October

William Bishop. Talk on the history of the Gaydon RAF base.



Thursday, 21st November

David Judd: “The Warmington Judd family and where it has taken me”.








Thursday, 20 Feb 2025

Beat Kümin returns for a talk on: 

‘Tower Ball Deposits in the German Lands’ 

The chronicles and objects some German communities deposit in golden spheres located on top of towers during construction or repairs




As the programme is in development, please check back later.